Sunday, September 2, 2018


You've heard of the pump. The amazing feeling you get when your muscles are full and tight and you look your best. The pump is actually essential for growth, and that's especially true for your arms. This routine is designed for the pump-and then some. It's one of the most intense arm workouts ever created, but the result is a pair of biceps and triceps worthy of praise and perfection. Difficulty level: Advanced Muscles involved: Biceps · Triceps Focus: Build muscle Duration: 60 minutes How to do this workout? Perform this workout 2-3 times per week, making sure to never do this routine on back-to-back days. When you see a number with a letter next to it-such as 1A and 1B-it means the exercises should be performed as a group. Do one set of the first exercise, rest for the prescribed amount of time, and then do one set of the next exercise in the group. Repeat until you've completed all of your sets for each exercise, and then move on to the next group. Circuit : Do 1 set of each exercise in a group consecutively, without rests in between. Once these exercises have been completed, repeat the circuit again - doing 1 set of each with no rests in between. Continue until prescribed number of total sets are performed Strength : Complete all sets of an exercise at the same time with rests in between. Then move to the next exercise. Superset : Two moves done consecutively (like a circuit) with no rests in between. WEEKLY ROUTINE Day 1 workout SUPERSET SETS REPS/TIME REST (S) 1A Barbell biceps curl 3 10, 8, 6 30 1B Forward bend biceps curl 3 10, 8, 6 30 STRENGTH SETS REPS/TIME REST (S) 2 Dead-hang biceps curl 3 10, 8, 6 30 3 Seated alternating dumbbell biceps curl 3 10, 8, 6 30 4 One-arm concentration curls 3 10, 8, 6 30 SUPERSET SETS REPS/TIME REST (S) 5A Close-grip barbell bench press 3 10, 8, 6 30 5B Incline dip 3 10, 8, 6 30 STRENGTH SETS REPS/TIME REST (S) 6 Seated single-arm overhead dumbbell extension 3 10, 8, 6 30 SUPERSET SETS REPS/TIME REST (S) 7A Rope pressdown 3 10, 8, 6 30 7B Triceps extension on floor 3 10, 8, 6 30 STRENGTH SETS REPS/TIME REST (S) 8 Dumbbell kickback 3 10, 8, 6 30 ** - as many as possible; @ - each side

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